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Congratulations King

Today, King Carl XVI Gustaf celebrates fifty years as Sweden's head of state. The king is known for his nature- and environmental interest, which includes fishing in various forms, from household fishing to advanced fly fishing. An annual fishing trip goes to Tärnaån, about three miles from Tärnaby, where the king's grandfather Gustaf VI Adolf built a small fishing cabin 1931. A few years ago, the king initiated a special study on fishing and conditions in the river, a work that is still ongoing and that can provide useful information for the rest of us who care for or fish in similar waters.

At the anglers' centenary in November 2019 the king was the guest of honor and in his acceptance speech he described in a personal way why fishing suits him, and all of us anglers – warm to the heart. It is easy to find oneself in the royal order. On the occasion of today's anniversary, Långåfisket reproduces the king's speech as tribute and congratulations. /Helgi Jonsson

H.M. The King's speech at Sweden's Sportfiske- and Fiskevårdsförbund's 100-year anniversary

Ladies and gentlemen,
Fishing friends!

It is often said that "he who waits for something good never waits too long". I've thought about that when it comes to us anglers.

I mean, sometimes we actually wait a very long time - without anything good coming at all. And if it does, and, then it is very possible that we will throw it back again.

Men, Ladies and gentlemen, that's why it's called sport fishing. If it wasn't hard, it wouldn't be a sport!

For me, personally, fishing has always been a source of joy and relaxation. An opportunity to experience our rich nature. But also a link to my family history: then I think above all of my grandfather, King Gustaf VI Adolf. In the 30s, he built a fishing cabin in the mountains, a cottage that I visit regularly today. Maybe not as often as I'd like, but at least as often as I can.

A feeling, which I think many in here share, is that sport fishing is more than just a hobby. At least it will easily become so with time. It is almost impossible to be an angler without becoming interested in everything that surrounds the fish: Water- and environmental. Fishery care. Job opportunities. A sustainable development of the countryside.

That commitment is something positive, which we must take advantage of. And Sportfiske does- and the Fishery Conservation Association with that honor!

For example, every year they make sure that more than 35 000 children and young people get the chance to get out and fish!

Through research, we know that children who understand nature, protects it. So it is an important contribution that the association is making.

Ladies and gentlemen, this year marks one hundred years since the union was founded. And it feels very fun to be able to celebrate this, in almost the same place where everything once began.

Not everyone can celebrate their centenary by looking ahead. But that's exactly what the Anglers do. And I want to take the opportunity to thank the organizers for a rewarding afternoon and a very pleasant evening.

When it comes to future fisheries management, you who are anglers can, and your organization, mean a lot. We all depend on good fish stocks, and I think it is important that all of us "fish-interested" try to work together.

Because everyone enjoys it. Not just the fish and nature – but also everyone who fishes for their own interest, everyone who makes a living from fishing tourism, anyone who lives by catching food fish, and all of us who want to be able to eat fish in the future.

With this, I would like to congratulate the association on one hundred successful years. May the luck, and fishing luck, stand by you in the future as well.
