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Fiskevårdsplan 2024 – 2034

The fishing management plan for long Fiskevårdsområde are three leading keywords and focus areas: preserve, nurture and use.

Långå has a centuries-old tradition of understanding and use fishing as an asset of a natural resource worth protecting. It is the very core of what is the fishing culture in Långå and an explanation why Långå is appreciated for its harmonious balance of quality of life and natural quality. For today's people, these are easily accessible experiences with long-term effects and retention. Life below the surface of the water, kring stränder och i det växlande landskapet är en generös tillgång.

Långå fiskevårdsområdes förening har ansvaret för att Långåfisket ska höra till de mest uppskattade sportfiskeområdena för sina kvalitéer . with knowledge, right methods and measures honored and renewed the goal every year. So we've been at it for more than 300 year! Styrelsen upprättar och beslutar årligen om en förvaltnings- och verksamhetsplan. Verksamhetsplanen omfattar allt från styrelsearbete och förvaltning till biotop och fiskevård. Ett viktigt inslag är åtgärder för service riktad till sportfiskaren.

För oss är och förblir fisken nummer ett! Sportfiskaren nummer två. Vi vet att finns det fisk, då finns det fiskare! Fish Conservation Plan applies to fishermen and their conditions of life and the natural environment but also the fishing, that is, we look to you and your needs! Fish culture is one of quality concepts.

Inkomster från fiskekorten går tillbaka till fiskaren i form av fiske- och naturvård, investeringar i naturnära miljöer och service. The fishing license is worth several times more than the fee.

De ursprungliga, vilda fiskarterna ska finnas kvar i framtiden. Naturlig reproduktion i stället för odling och utsättning. since summer 2021 this also applies to Grundsjöröding, when farming operations have ceased and been replaced by rum collection in the Grundsjömagasinet and release of fertilized rum in places that are not laid dry due to power production. I vissa tjärnar finns för få fiskare och för mycket fisk. En del av den fisken fångas och omplaceras till andra vatten.

The trout in Långåljusnan is characterized by the local conditions that apply within the fishery area, which is 'closed'’ between three hydroelectric dams. Det innebär att genom tiderna bildas en variant av Ljusnanöringen som får särskilda särdrag som vi kallar Långåljusnan-öring.

In Långåljusnan's current stretches upstream of Rändhån, all trout must therefore be re-released unharmed in order to recreate the trout population there. Det perspektivet gäller till dess vi meddelar något annat.

Långå Fisheries Management Area must only keep original and local species of trout, char, harr, stylish, pike and perch. Exception for a P&T-water with rainbow, in Stortjärn in Långå village, Långå residents' bathing pond.

current rules, requirements and principles, supports and secures conservation interest. Regular inspection and monitoring of fish stocks vitality implemented. Tillsyn och rådgivning på plats av ett tjugotal certifierade personer som ingår i tillsynsverksamheten.

Biotoper ska vårdas för att fungera på ett så naturnära och ursprungligt skick som är möjligt och rimligt trots förekomst av kraftproduktion. The waters must be kept free of foreign fish species. It is absolutely forbidden to use live fish as bait. It is always and everywhere. Avoid fishing with a mask even if it is allowed. I strömmande vatten ska inget maskfiske förekomma eftersom fisken skadas allvarligt och går inte att återutsätta.

Fiskbeståndens reproduktionsförmåga kontrolleras och vid särskilda behov kan i undantagsfall stödåtgärder ske med ursprungligt material för utsättning i vissa vatten. Since 2023 finns fyra certifierade personer i fiskevårdsföreningens styrelse med kompetens att i egen regi genomföra elfiske för vårdåtgärder. Samarbeten sker med intressenter och leverantörer som uppfyller särskilda krav.

Fishing based on good judgment and ethics. The fish you need for the day, SAW 2 fish, maintains the. The rest is put back unharmed the next opportunity. The fishing waters are made available and given over to sport fishing by fishing license.

Nature welcomes everyone but does not tolerate everything. Littering and graffiti's against the rules. It applies everywhere and always! If you have a fishing license, the board's permission to draw the attention of others to these rules and that there is zero tolerance for littering and graffiti.

Fr to ensure a long-term sustainable fishery exists regler, instructions and recommendations to be used. Sustainable fishing with close-to-nature experiences requires regulations with specific conditions, fees, fishing methods and withdrawals. Site version ( is the one that is current and applies. Advice and checking arranged through organized fishing supervision with trained supervision of persons appointed by the provincial government. Fishing pressure is spread in the area to reduce the risk that some areas burdened too hard. Some ponds need more fishermen to keep the population within the limits that the natural nutrient supply can handle.

Långåfisket's contingency plan is kept up to date at all times for the protection of fish and other aquatic organisms. Supervision, observations and attention to conditions that may affect fishing form the basis for decisions that can be taken and implemented immediately and without warning if necessary. Periodically, restrictions can be introduced of varying degrees that are adapted to the situation and threat picture. Introduced measures do not entitle to a refund of fees paid.

Fish Conservation Plan's perspective, no limit, but extends in ten years time. The updated and extended annually.


The long-distance fishing plan and goals for the fish, the fisherman and the fishing culture

Långåfisket's fisheries management plan 2023 – 2033

Fisheries management plans are about conservation, nurture and use the original fish species and fishery resources within the Långå Fisheries Conservation Area. Fish populations must be kept in line with what the ecosystem can allow. The conditions of the biotopes and the size of the populations limit the catch of sport fishing.

Fiskevårdsplanen uppdateras årligen med tio års löpande perspektiv. Planen är styrande för årets verksamhetsplan med tydliga mål, tider och beskrivning av insatser i förvaltning, bevarande, care, investeringar och utveckling.


Only hold, preserve and protect the original and local stocks through natural reproduction of trout, char, harr, stylish, perch and pike in water where they naturally belong. Exceptions may be made for a P&T-waters. Control of the viability of fish stocks. current rules, requirements and principles support and guarantee the interest of conservation.


Biotopes for diversity must be nurtured and function in as natural and original a way as possible and reasonable. The waters must be kept free of foreign fish species. Fiskbeståndens reproduktionsförmåga kontrolleras och vid behov kan i undantagsfall stödåtgärder vidtas i respektive vatten efter godkännande av länsstyrelsen. Cooperation takes place with external stakeholders and suppliers who meet LFVOF's specific requirements. Since 2023 finns fyra certifierade personer i fiskevårdsföreningens styrelse med kompetens att i egen regi utföra elfiske.


The waters are made available and leased for sport fishing through the sale of fishing licenses. It is strictly forbidden to use live bait fish. The ban applies everywhere and always. Conditions, instructions and recommendations contain conditions, fees, fishing methods and withdrawals. The environmental policy must be respected and applied. Advice and control are arranged through organized fisheries supervision with supervisors appointed by the county administrative board. Fishing pressure is spread in the area to reduce the risk that some areas burdened too hard.

Overall goals

Planernas övergripande och samlade mål är att Långåfiskets biotoper och ursprungliga fiskarter ska bevaras i ett så ursprungligt och naturnära skick som möjligt trots mänsklig påverkan främst genom kraftproduktion för elanvändning. I förlängningen av det övergripande målet uppstår ett attraktivt sportfiskeområde.
Through knowledge, methods, åtgärder och förhållningssätt ska målet infrias och förnyas. Income from fishing licenses is used for nature conservation, fisheries management and development of quality and service. Omfattande, frivilligt och oavlönat arbete samt stöd från svenska staten (County Administrative Board of Jämtland, Hav- och Vatten myndigheten, agriculture Department) och EU, Härjedalen, Anglers och Fortum Sverige AB som största företagssponsor. Värdet av fiskekortet är flera gånger högre än priset.

The long-distance fishing plan for the fisherman

Longline fishing must be known and sought after for its qualities in the form of sport fishing, fishing culture and nature experiences.

Anglers and their companions should always feel welcome and welcome again. Long-distance fishing should create a sense of community of values ​​and foster good relations with those who fish in the area. Information and service facilitate the fishing trip and reduce environmental consequences. It is allowed to point out violations of the rules.

Anglers are an asset for Långåfisket, Långå village and for the whole of Härjedalen. That's why we want to

  • receive fishermen and their companions with care, openness and interest
  • take advantage of views and proposals that contribute to the development of Långåfisket
  • create a sense of community with responsibility and commitment to the values ​​found in our nature, culture, history and future
  • see a "Longline fishing ambassador" in each person.

Långåfisket's plan for the fishing culture

In Långå, there is a centuries-old tradition of understanding and using fishing as a protected natural resource. That insight and knowledge is the very core of what is the fishing culture in Långå. It is also important for the experience of Långå as a village with quality of life and natural quality in harmonious balance..

Fishing culture is also a prerequisite for fishing, also in the future, must be able to be an attraction and valuable experience for fishing right owners, villagers and visitors. During the 20th century, household fishing has decreased and sport fishing has increased markedly and is today dominant. Many, significantly more than those who have their roots in Långå, thereby feels involved and in community with Långåfisket. Everyone who shares Långåfisket's views and values ​​is part of the fishing culture.

The fishing culture in Långå must be kept alive and developed by combining the three perspectives: history, present and future. History, attractions and interesting stories should be available as part of the stay and fishing trip with information and signs at rest stops and attractions and of course on the website. Långå FVOF is responsible for taking care of the fishing culture, developed and used as an asset today and as a future resource for future generations. The fishing culture is part of the experience!

Ett inslag sker i samarbete med Långå Skans där det försvarshistoriska kulturminnesmärket blir infart till en sträcka med fritt fiske, ordnade platser för utbildning och träning samt en fungerande rastplats.

Helgi Jonsson