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Långåljusnan and the natural world ™

Långåljusnan it is called approximately 20 kilometers long part of Ljusnan that runs through the Långå Fiskevårds area. The section is located between two power plant dams and has been strongly affected by fleet joint cleaning and power production. But through the Långåljusnan project, the power lines have regained their winding course. Locations have been re-created and new deep holes are available to counteract the effects of climate change. Aquatic organisms have regained their habitat. The angler gets new experiences with new qualities. There will be one “fishery area in the fishery area”. We call it NATURAL WORLD.

The streams of Långåljusnan are open for fly fishing from Rändhån to lake Orten. This applies to catch & releace, C&R, for all trout in the next few years when the reconstruction of the natural trout stock is underway. The general fishing license applies. When fly fishing in Långåljusnan upstream of Skälningshån to Lake Orten, including Strömhuvudet, all trout must be released unharmed. Barbed hooks.

The project was implemented through efforts and co-financing by the County Administrative Board in Jämtland County, Hav- and Water Authority, I:s rural program via the Swedish Agency for Agriculture, Härjedalen, the power of the power industry, The anglers and with their own funding from Långå FVOF and lots of unpaid, voluntary efforts.

project Långåljusnan started in the new year 2015 by chairman, Helge Jonsson to, “as far as possible and reasonable, restore power stretches of Långåljusnan for sustainable interaction between organisms, nature and living in habitats that also resists climate impact and form the conditions for good fishing!” Today, the goals have been fulfilled with different forms of life and opportunities to coexist for mutual benefit through
– Biodiversity nutrition, growth and natural reproduction of fish species and aquatic organisms
– sustainable conditions for survival despite the climate impact
– a long-term, sustainable, attractive sport fishing with greater experiences for all interested parties.

Simply put, the project has led to the resurrection of Långåljusnan's current sections in a different format. They are 'longer' because bends and curves have been restored, the oxygen content has increased through current generators, Hiking routes have been arranged through converters, berths are available for aquatic organisms and the fish's food search, rest and reproduction and the volume of water is greater through deep holes that ensure the water supply in a harsher climate with unnatural heat and drought. We are also considering to reintroduce the freshwater pearl mussel. In addition, there are places that are accessible to people with reduced mobility.

Långåljusnan has regained important natural values ​​and is a fascinating experience for everyone, says Helge Jonsson, who initiated the project in January 2015. On the memorial plaque that was put up in the summer 2020 he writes “The Långåljusnan was created by our Lord in the beginning of time and was completed by the Långå fishing conservation association in 2020.”

This part of the Långåljusnan with its currents and seals is not affected by the variations that the daily power generation gives rise to as it can be 'spring flood’ several times a day because the hydropower compensates for the wind power when it is not blowing, says Helge Jonsson.

Långåljusnan is the main artery in the conservation area where people lived in at least four thousand years. Therefore, we also invest in increasing the fishing trip experience by showing and informing about the history of the route., nature- and cultural relics, living history and interesting cultural objects that increase the importance of fishing trips. Board member for long-term fishing culture, Margareta Selin-Ring, was responsible for and initiated the measures according to Långåfisket's cultural program. Since May 2020 is Elias Hammarlund Långåfisket's cultural director.

The area has several interesting remains after the forestry and its cultural history. The new wind guards are used to inform and convey information about the importance of the forest and all its values. These measures are part of Långåfisket's cultural-historical program which aims to increase the content of the stay for both anglers and other visitors..

The total investment in the project is closer 6 millions of which are closer 2 million where the state through the County Administrative Board in Östersund is the largest co-financier. Under 2020 restored stretches and premises for natural reproduction, 'nursery', in connecting tributaries. The last stretch within the fisheries management area in the direction of the Lossendammen was remedied 2021-22 above all as a reproduction area for trout.

Other financing has been through the Långåfisket (Långå FVOF), state support from the County Administrative Board in Östersund, sea- and water authority, Härjedalen and Anglers, as well as the power industry's rural resources, voluntary contributions and unpaid voluntary work.
In the Långåljusnan project, special investments have been made in infrastructure with paths, manager, rest areas and service for anglers and other visitors. The measures cost a lot 600 000 SEK. Financing took place through 315 000 SEK from the EU:s rural program and the state through the Swedish Agricultural Agency. The power industry's urban development 90 000 and 200 000 SEK of own funds from Långå FVOF.

In the Långåljusnan Project, several stakeholders have actively participated, including the County Administrative Board of Jämtland County, which also participates directly with expertise., as well as the municipality's fisheries manager, Janne Gabrielsson.

– The County Administrative Board sees the Långåljusnan project as an interesting and important project also from a national perspective when it comes to optimizing the biological and ecological conditions in a watercourse with greatly reduced water flow., says Gunnar Jacobsson at the County Administrative Board of Jämtland. He is the one who has been involved in the work all the time and is still involved in the project with the expertise he and the county administrative board have when it comes to aquatic environments., biotopes care nature and liability.

– Långåljusnan is a good and important example of how the state, together with a responsible fisheries association, can find effective solutions for restoring biotopes and conditions that favor life in the water.. In this perspective, the experience of Långåljusnan project of great interest, says Gunnar Jacobsson.

Långåfiskets quality manager, Per-Ola Persson, has analyzed the entire stretch of the river and planned in detail the different types of measures that will increase the viability of the river. He has led in detail the two excavator operators who laid back stones, dug deep holes and created new habitats for all living things in the river. Prio one is the fish, says Per-Ola Persson, but also points out that in the long run it is also important for the angler. Are there fish, there are anglers, says Per-Ola.

– In order for fish and aquatic organisms to be able to 'move in' into the new habitat, the first year after the renovation is closed to fishing but open to visitors, he says. Per-Ola certifies that it is a natural experience in itself to see a living river as it was formed from the beginning. And, even 'how it was thought'!

Sections from Rändhån through Långå village are open as usual! Buoys are laid out on old phishing sites where the fish are to. There you can moor if you come by boat or float and not have to trap anchors that scare the fish. Operation with the current is recommended on the section downstream of Långå Skans and down to the border with Hede FVOF.


In the new year 2020 summed and noted the chairman and promoter of Långå FVOF, Helgi Jonsson, that the long-distance light lines are now 'restored' with curves, Frame, bends and turns similar to how the river was and even how it was supposed to be shaped in and by nature!

Here are deep grooves with the ability to keep rough trout and grayling, hungry interested in the delectable strokes of the water streams.

The fish is attracted and can now walk in streams where the current is felt in each phantom and where the large coil-shaped muscle is used for its tail fin's paddle effect!

The oxygen content has increased by floods aerated and mixed with oxygen that makes the fish and all living things both healthier and more alert, Yes maybe, even, more optimistic and motivated!

The water volume has increased. There are actually more water in the river because it revamped and can hold more water than before.

Aquatic organisms, both plants, fish and insects have been läplatser and residence for its tranquility, for rest, natural foraging and reproduction.

There is calm water for hatching insects and dragonflies. and nymphs, puppor, snails and insects take their new, safer environments and homes.

Nutrient production increases with dead wood dug down and surfaces that favor biological life.

There are deep holes that are shaded by the south shore tree sands with water, yes even cooler water that holds more oxygen when drought and heat strike in harsher climates.

There are signs that a new generation of trout and grayling fry is already looking upstream in the new whirlpools.

Mid-river's touch in Långåljusnan, at Mittåoset, and the stretch up to the ponds at Hovdevägen has been recreated and is reserved for natural reproduction of trout and grayling. The section is thus closed for fishing!

What we have been working on since New Year 2015 and restored in recent years we have done with a glance only for life in Långåljusnan streams. We dare to admit it and know that the angler likes to come second in that perspective. Clearly aware and agreed that there are fish there is fishing!

We call this the Nature World, with the right meaning and meaning even if it looks like a misspelling of natural values!

The most important thing is the importance that we can begin to read right now. The results and value in the present! Hopefulness and optimism. Nature values ​​in the Nature world!

It may be interesting to tell you how we did to get there! The initiative, processes, inventory, analyze, methods, funding, the efforts and implementation with all contributors!

What is important is that we have given the fish a new habitat and that the fisherman gets good fishing in an experience-rich natural environment.

In Project Långåljusnan there is another investment with a focus on the long term, sustainable, attractive angling with greater content and experiences for anglers and anyone else interested.

An important part of Långåfisket's operations is to increase the content of the fishing experience through more discoveries and knowledge about nature, environments and cultural values ​​where fishing takes place.

The stream sections in Långåljusnan mainly run through lands owned by the forest group STORA Enso (formerly Bergvik Skog AB) who is also majority owner of Långå FVOF. STORA Enso takes its responsibility for sustainable forestry by combining biological, economic and social aspects where a viable ecosystem with rich biodiversity is the biggest guarantor of the economy and profitability. STORA's environmental aspects also aim to reduce the impact on surrounding watercourses to ensure good habitats for aquatic plants and animals.

The company's social ambition also includes reduced ground impact for an aesthetically finer forest landscape that increases the value of the experience for people staying in the company's forests..

The cultural heritage has been created by previous generations. Each fishing trip and fishing site contains markings and remains from forestry, Agriculture, rafting and the life lived in forest huts, settlements, around coal miles and from the now silenced ax chopped by forest workers and the chimes from the working horses' timber class.

Långåfisket's cultural program is about highlighting and highlighting the typical features that exist in Långå that can be associated with the "fishing culture" but also other parts of life. There is a wealth of treasure to spare when it comes to housing needs fishing, sport fishing and fishery work. That this cultural treasure risks falling into oblivion is evident through generational changes and changes in living patterns and societal development. It is the responsibility of every generation to preserve the cultural heritage, use it and leave more inheritance to the future. There is much to show and lots to tell. The experience can be made bigger and the community with the countryside nature and history is a retention of the fishing trip.

The investment is supported by the County Administrative Board of Jämtland County, agriculture Department, I:s rural program, The Municipality of Härjedalen via the power industry's construction funds, The anglers and with their own financing from Långå FVOF.