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Register for the annual meeting at the latest 25 mars

The board of the Långå Fisheries Conservation Area Association has it 10 March called the owner and invited other stakeholders to the digital annual meeting on Monday 29 mars 2021 at 19.00. Agenda according Statutes. Annual report for 2020 can be ordered via With regard to the form of meeting is assumed…

Longline fishing receives investment support

Härjedalen Municipality recommends to the County Administrative Board that Långå Fiskevårdsförening be granted district funding for its applications. The County Administrative Board will normally follow the municipality's recommendation. The construction funds come from the power industry. The Grundsjö project To cover the Fisheries Conservation Association's costs in the Grundsjö project, the requested 65 000 SEK. In the budget for…

General warning for weak ice

The changes in temperature, weather and water flow during this time in the spring winter expose the ice to great stress, which is serious given that they have not previously maintained the quality of ‘core’’ which many have become accustomed to. Therefore prevails…