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fishing trips

A fishing trip is a bet that one wants to be a memorable experience. Good planning and the right equipment increases the chance to get what you want. Time is always in short supply, and it comes to getting the most value from every available hour. Information on fishing, The easy accessibility of the fishing waters and good advice are top priorities. It should be easy, easy and "fast" to find the right place. We give tips on what equipment is recommended. This is especially true for beginners but also for those who have experience.

All the necessary information is available here on the website. Långåfisket would like to offer telephone service, but time is not enough. Voluntarily, unpaid work, worth approx 400 000 kroner per year if we were to pay for it, used for fisheries conservation measures, for biotope conservation and to arrange easily accessible fishing spots. All the time is spent there. What you can contribute yourself is to download information on your own time from the website There is up-to-date information that is updated regularly, unlike published brochures.

The information a fisherman need for planning on fishing times, species, fishing grounds and what is typical for these, control, housing services, access to rental boats, fishing license prices and places of purchase. Wintertime is information about ice conditions crucial importance! For many, the economy calculation is a secondary issue, except in one case: carpooling. It and several other recommendations contained in Långåfiskets environmental policy. The meaning of it is that the burden on nature and the environment should be minimized to the lowest possible level without anyone having to give up fishing.

We recommend shopping locally! Buy your fishing licenses from the local agents.

It is unnecessary to ship what is already in place at prices that are competitive. And don't miss local suppliers of what's grown and grown up here. You will always be dependent on the availability of service. The best guarantee that you will have access to it in the future is that you already use it today.

Planning Tips for fishing trip

  1. Start early to determine the timing and number of days. Take into consideration when fishing tends to be "the best". See the best fishing times here on the website. Check the times when the water is available and the fishing allowed.
  2. Decide which fishing that are most interesting based on your priorities and desires. Under FISHERY there is information on what type of fishing they offer.
  3. Book accommodation well in advance as demand certain times is greater than supply. Valid throughout the year.
  4. The basic equipment (HE EQUIPMENT LIST!) place in good time and is ready to take with you when the time comes. Rods, rolls, lines, flies, pray, rain-, induce- and flotation devices, life jacket, sea, Equipment for food / cooking, backpack and basket to store the fish in (Never use plastic!). Mosquitoes can be awkward. Use the "tight dress" and gnats veil over her head. When not needed mosquito repellent. Map and compass; GPS does not work everywhere! Charged mobile phone in waterproof protection; charger. Camera. protective goggles. A hearty knife and a smaller. Toilet paper.
  5. Dagturer need all or part of the basic equipment, but means "light packing". The backpack should always be matches, knife, coffee pot / pan, Kåsa, salt and spices, sugar, instant coffee / thepåsar, stock cube, dry bread, tinfoil, plastic bags of various sizes, first aid / pain relievers, toilet paper, spare socks and wind / rain protection, e.g. rainproof fabric 2 x 3 m (tarp or tarpaulin).
  6. wilderness with several days out there also require a good tent, mattress, sleeping bag and a good camping stove with fuel. Comfortable boots that have been entered and the good backpack, adapted at least for 10 kilo. Warm and comfortable clothes; night temperatures can sneak down to zero! Solar charger for mobile phones.
  7. Security. Sport fishing is always "at risk"! At sole risk! This means that you are responsible for your own safety and that you behave in a way that presents no danger to those who fish near you. Or for nature and the environment. Safety is as obvious as fishing equipment. And just as obviously it is to handle the equipment with the same requirements and skill to handle his fishing rod. Fishing and safety includes everything that concerns nature and the environment. During COUNCIL AND RULES will find Långåfiskets nature- and environmental. Read it and see what you can contribute to reducing your environmental impact. Littering is forbidden everywhere and always. The most serious accidents affecting anglers are drowning, fractures and that "hooks itself". Every year drown a dozen people in Sweden in connection with fishing, usually from smaller boats, often without safety equipment. Sometimes the influence of alcohol. Think safety before the fishing trip as carefully as you pack everything else. If the accident happens, your knowledge is invaluable and a good insurance. Check weather forecasts and have strict control over the flow of water! Test how you work in your life jacket when you end up in water. The life jacket must be properly worn’ and used all the time. You have no chance to put on the life jacket in the water! Charged and working mobile is good, but map and compass are also needed; GPS does not work everywhere.
  8. Bring a valid fishing license, charge card, driver's license / ID, cash and any medications. Reservglasögon, Please polaroid glasses.