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Elias Hammarlund – established fishing guide in Långå

Where is the fish, where to fish, how are the waters, what baits to have, there is something more?
How-to? You can read a lot here on the website, much can be found out by asking around. But there is an even safer way to reduce uncertainty and get more out of fishing. In fact, there are people who 'know everything' about fishing, says Helge Jonsson, Chairman of Långåfisket. Hire a knowledgeable guide! It is a 'worthwhile investment', he says.

The main task of Långåfisket's supervisory staff is to guide fishermen and check fishing licenses. They are knowledgeable, educated, certified persons with permission from the county administrative board for the assignment!

Men! The best solution is to hire a qualified fishing guide and there are some who run such activities in Härjedalen. A new addition, who has the right to call himself an expert in just Långåfisket, is Elias Hammarlund from Gnesta, who has fished in Långå since childhood and who after finishing school settled in Långå last year. It is about him that it is said that he 'knows every stone' in the waterways, know where the fish stands, why it is right there, what attracts it and can convey the technology. Elias' knowledge includes not only life below and on the surface of the water but the entire living environment and the world of experience around. That is why he also has the board responsibility for Långåfisket's cultural program, which aims to increase the entire content of the fishing trip.!

– There are many who discover and think that there are unique elements in Långåfisket, says Helge Jonsson. Elias can also be counted there. One who recently hired Elias as a guide regretted that he wasted fifteen years of fishing experiences that Elias could fix in a few hours! The rating speaks for itself, says Helge Jonsson.

In addition to the work of the fisheries conservation area's board and various projects there, Elias devotes himself to creating local fly patterns that take the form of well-bound flies, each of them is an example of arts and crafts with interpretations and elements directly from nature in the Långå fisheries conservation area. Elias photo is evolving at a rapid pace with unique nature images, documentation and personal portraits of fishermen. More can be found on Elias' website in the link