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Delicacies are served

You are welcome! Seasonal delicacies are served! Welcome, but keep an eye on the ice situation as you plan your fishing trip to your favorite spots. Feel free to go into / Fishing and read about safety and take our advice!

Nu är vi inne i pimpelfiskets högsäsong, med den absoluta favoriten – Grundsjöröding! Men det finns två till som är särskilt huggvilliga just nu: gädda och lake.

Sport fishing is a total experience that is not just about the time you have a hook in the water but includes so much more, in fact, the whole chain from acquiring knowledge and planning a fishing trip to being able to make a good meal from the delicacies we catch. Det är skillnad mellan synsätten ‘att fånga’ och ‘att fiska’. Catching is about getting food, that is, household fishing, att fiska handlar om ett sätt att umgås med den unika naturresurs som fisken och dess livsmiljö utgör, årets alla dagar. We respect both views!

That we publish recipes here on the website is part of our ambition to make the content of the fishing experience greater and then the food is included for both the fishing trip and the art of taking advantage of the catch and enjoying the delicacies that can be made of it..

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