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The test fish will track char in Lake Orten

For four years, Grundsjöröding has been released into Lake Orten in the westernmost part of Långåljusnan..

The conditions have been assessed as relatively good and releases have been made with permission from the County Administrative Board in Jämtland. So far, some catches have been reported and this summer a test fishery was carried out to find out how char the population has established itself., the growth noted and the condition and quality of the fish.

The purpose of this test fishing was to obtain a basis for a possible plan for future plantings of Grundsjöröding in this water.

The test fishing was carried out with fifteen nets of different mesh sizes and two overview nets. The starting point was a basic area that sloped steeply down to 16 m.

Unfortunately, no char was found right there, but instead vendace, which is considered remarkable. The conclusion is that more test fish are required, earlier in the season with a colder water temperature to get a credible result.