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Reasonable starting the season

The time from the end of May to after midsummer is usually considered the best time for fishing. At least most people think so, but it turns out a little now and then that it can be just as good in July if the conditions are right. Some even experience that the autumn fishing for grayling is the highlight of the year. This year's notes so far point in any case to great interest that surpasses the hot and dry last year's summer when many refrained from fishing due to water temperature and low flows. This indicates very good judgment!

From reports that have come in, most fishermen seem to be fairly satisfied, some even more than that, but many have missed the abundant hatches that usually occur. The small dragonflies have appeared in roughly normal numbers while Rocken, Stora Åsandsländan [Danish Ephemera] has been frugal. To date, maybe we should say.

Variations in nature and including in insect life are governed by many factors and it is not entirely unreasonable that the dry summer last year had consequences for creatures of all sizes, not least for the insects and benthic animals whose habitat was largely destroyed by dehydration of beaches, brook furrows and near-bottom bottoms in rivers.

– It is surprising that we were not affected by fish deaths in our waters last year, says Helge Jonsson. We were fully prepared to intervene with various measures then, for example, closure of water, but we never had to do that.

We have that preparedness all the time. What has been brought up in recent times is the need for further catch restrictions in some places. This includes Rändhån, one of Sweden's by far the foremost white water, where we have noted some overdrafts among some who fish there. We would like to keep the generous rules that apply to Långåfisket, but it has its given limitations, says Helge Jonsson, with a clear message to those who do not understand the ethics of fishing.

Everyone must understand that it is sport fishing we offer! No household fishing. Therefore, we are prepared to impose restrictions immediately when needed, without warning!