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Girls at the forefront of fishing

The Myhr family tried their luck at fishing on Grundsjön in Långå, during the weekend and on Sunday Elsa Myhr received, five years, a surprising feeling that turned out to be something so big that she left the whip rod to big sister, Karin 7 year, to land the catch. The scale showed 2,4 kilo and the proud father Martin took the card.

The long-distance fishing presents a big congratulations and admiration to Elsa and Karin. Great fun! Even hard-to-beat records can be surpassed in your long future!

To get the really big trout as trophy fish in Långåfisket, it is most common to be a girl and for eight years. On the last day of winter vacation 2017 got Klara Odén, 8 year, a trout on 62 centimeter. Weight:2,2 kilo. Location Gangelsjön in Långå. Ice fishing even then.









Karin Myhr