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Note the new rules!

Anan, Mittån and Långåljusnan
Fly fishing stretches are introduced for the entire Mittån upstream of Grundsjön and for Anån from Grundsjön to the border of the fisheries conservation area and in Långåljusnan upstream of Skälningshån. For the fly fishing stretches in Mittån and Anån, the max 2 trout per short day in the interval 25 – 45 cm. Special fishing license that also applies to all other waters except P&T.

Långåljusnan's currents are now open for fly fishing from Rändhån to Lake Orten. This applies to catch & releace, C&R, for all trout in the next few years when the reconstruction of the natural trout stock is underway. The general fishing license applies. When fly fishing in Långåljusnan upstream of Skälningshån to Lake Orten, including Strömhuvudet, all trout must be released unharmed. Barbed hooks

General catch limit for char in Grundsjön to three chars (Grundsjöröding) per person and short day.

Cover Tjärn
Shell iron ceases as P&T-water and is included in the general fishing license and in the fly fishing license.

Stortjärn P&T i Långå by (Långåbadet)
Maximum two rainbows per day. Other fish no restriction. Special fishing license for one day at a time.