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Sobriety and angling

Helge Chronicle May 2018

As a legacy from the farming community, we have a number of 'anniversaries'. It is called this memorable because it took care of the calendar itself in the form of a 59,4 centimeters long wood strip (’stock’) that divided the year by cutting into a brand where about timing (months) or anniversaries that reminded of what should be done, what would remember that particular day or time. Church order and the division of the year is typical of our culture.

Ascension Day falls 39 days after Jesus' resurrection at Easter and the day he was taken to heaven before the astonished disciples. The day is a public holiday, which means time off for those who may be away from work. The purpose of the leave has been that one should 'go to church', but other uses have long appeared, For example, the People Sober the Day and the Great Angles Day.

Personally, I am of course particularly proud to Ascension also called Helge's Day. I do not know why, but it sure is a good name, worth celebrating with a glass of fresh water and a visit to the fishing grounds!

Sobriety need attention all year, not the least of us who are out fishing. It is a wobbly enough practice even in the sober state, and many drowned with alcohol in the blood. It is unnecessary to 'rise up in the sky', way too early, for this reason.

Ascension Day is also Angles Big Day. It has been considered that it is today as the summer begins and it is true for the southern parts of the country. To go out and Meta right now can be done anywhere there is open water and which has fishing as the water rights owners or short-buyers. Ice fishing in the mountain regions still works, but beware of ice. They've really done their.

Now we leave definitely the long dark winter behind us. Finally, we can devote ourselves to the interest and pleasure in which we evolve from year to year. It is time to launch flugsvärmen from winter myskvällar and see what it can compete with the real.

Jesus was a decent enough and knowledgeable fishermen. When he was at the Sea of ​​Galilee, just south of Capernaum, where he lived when he was not traveling, on the northwest shore, he taught Simon and Luke that they have to put the nets further out and it was so successful that the boat was overfilled even though they got help. And that was obviously not good.

But he was also a master of management. At one point in the Galilee, Tiberias, (western shore of the Sea of ​​Galilee) he invited about five thousand men on food by blessing five barley loaves and two fish. And it was enough. To put that belief into practice would prevent today's over-fishing.

Sea of ​​Galilee is Israel's largest fresh water reservoir. It is just over five mil around the lake. For a dozen years ago closed the lake for fishing, since overfishing threatened fish stocks. Last year came the next problem, as noted water shortages due to too little rain. And for large consumption, perhaps, but it was not mentioned. Speaking of the use of natural resources.

Now we follow Evelyn Lindstrom's (1909 -1990) spring song and incitement to tune out J.S.. Bach's cantatas Bonde:

Now is green in the valley's arms,
Now smells meadow and lid.
Come with me, brought on hiking trip
in spring happy time!

happy spring!
