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Långå usually perceived as a village where the natural quality and quality of life come together in harmonious balance. The tranquility, tranquility and nature provides experiences that bring recovery and new powers for the normal lifestyle.

Långå village for centuries a well-managed and more efficient farming communities. Please go for a walk along the village road and watch the beautiful buildings from different eras, the oldest since the 1600s. Already in the 1500s, there were dozens of farms that were so productive that they are paying “tenth”, one kyrkoskatt [called tenth register from 1540]. That means they probably been built much earlier, at least during the 1400s. In the village live today about 130 people and the number of children and young people is more than age pensioners. A couple hundred people expect lengthy as their second home and staying here regularly for all seasons. A thousand visitors from surrounding towns or further afield to visit the village, among others for fishing and recreation. Autumn attracts many hunters to bird- or bear hunt before the popular elk hunting begins. Forest wealth of berries and mushrooms gives awaited delicacies. Very affordable and pleasant accommodation is available.

Långåfisket is the village's main attraction that has claimed and been treated for more than 300 year. The oldest known document that speaks for it is from the 15 May 1716. Winter fishing starts as soon as the ice is strong enough at Christmas.
During the spring months, summer and autumn offers a popular fishing that attracts many new. Very many returning year after year for generations.

In Långå village there is a well-functioning association life in the four non-profit associations and it is a tradition to gather for work shifts at Skansen and Långåbadet or to meet different needs that require joint efforts..

Besides destinations and attractions in and around the village, the neighboring resorts of a wide range that may interest. The nearest main town is Hede and just beyond is Hedeviken and Vemdalen. To the west lies Tännäs, Ljusnedal, Funäsdalen and Bruksvallarna with wide range of attractions worth visiting:. In the north-western parts of the province are Mittådalen, Heather Valley and Great Lake Chapel. From Ljungdalen takes you to the tourist station Helags.

Hede is worth a visit for several reasons. Hede current 17th century church is a monument with centuries of history and has much of its original furnishings left in good condition.

Hede hembygdsgård contains interesting buildings, utensils, crafts and other cultural treasures in a vibrant contemporary environment with many activities. Right next door is Sonfjällets Natur & Culture with exhibitions and events. There is also a tourist office and information on how to get to the area's pride, the unique Sonfjället with its national park.

Härjedalens mountain museum in Funäsdalen is an interesting and rewarding experience, Always worth a visit. Like the musk ox in the enclosure at Tännäs.

Metropolises of winter sports are Björnrike, Vemdalsskalet, kroket (Tännäs), Funäsdalen, Tänndalen, Hamrafjället, Fjällnäs, Bruksvallarna and Ramundberget. For those who appreciate touring, there are trails in Långå and an excursion on skis to the rest cabin at Lillfjället is an unforgettable experience. In summer it is nice to walk there.