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Management, and participating employees

Voluntary unpaid work accounts for the vast majority of business. About fifty people (54 people 2020) participates in the work in different ways every year.

Långå FVOF headed by a board consisting of seven members with associated functions for accounting and auditing. The division of duties within the Board is determined annually. For service and control are 18 certified persons in supervisory activities. Under 2020 har samtliga genomgått vidareutbildning och erhållit ny certifiering. Ordföranden har särskilt uppdrag att ansvara för Långåfiskets miljöpolicy samt policy för datasäkerhet.

Försäljningen av fiskekort sker genom ombud och via och

Underhåll, repairs and new investments are managed by volunteers.

Grundsjöprojektet have regular helpers who perform unpaid work. I december 2020 gav projektet ut boken “Grundsjörödingen” – a presentation of the Grundsjö project. Boken kan beställas via

Constructive collaboration takes place with Fortum Sverige AB, County Administrative Board of Jämtland, Härjedalen, Dream Fishing Jämtland / Härjedalen, angränsande fiskevårdsföreningar däribland Messlingens fiskevårdsförening och Särvsjöns bysamfällighet, Anglers and public bodies such as Hav- and Water Authority, Agriculture and SLU.

Whitefish caught in Grundsjöprojektet taken care of and processed, including the fish slaughterhouse in Ljusnedal. The largest users are Härjedalen serving Grundsjösik in school canteens and the elderly.